With August being just around the corner, we are getting more excited each day for our classrooms to be full of students. The most important note is that we are moving to a four-day school week, school will be in attendance Tuesday through Friday. With a new year about to begin, there also comes several changes to start times, policies, and other important information.
If you are a new student to the district, enrollment will be July 30th from 9:00 A.M to 3:00 P.M. Open house is August 8th from 6:00 P.M to 8:00 P.M. At 6:00 P.M at open house, we will have a meeting in the high school gym to discuss new policy changes and to cover any questions and have a second meeting at 7:15 P.M. The first day of school is August 13th.
Important Times:
Doors Open- 7:30 A.M
Breakfast Served- 7:30 A.M to 8:00 A.M
First Bell- 8:00 A.M
School Dismissed- 3:51 P.M
New Faculty/Staff/Positions
Athletic Director- Matt McCarthy
Junior High Math- Jonathan Nash
High School Social Studies- Michael Gandy
Assistant Football Coaches- Jonathan Nash, Michael Gandy, Jordan Bryant
Head Baseball Coach- Justin Breedlove
High School Cheerleader Sponsor- Bri Breedlove
Junior High Cheerleader Sponsor- Katie Meyers
Breakfast/Lunch Prices
Breakfast- Free for students
$2.10 adults
Lunch- $0.40 reduced
$2.50 students
$3.25 adults
There are two major policy changes going into the 2019-2020 school year. The sign in/sign out policy has been modified and reads as follows:
Students who arrive late to school must report to the high school office to sign in before going to class. Students who leave school during the school day must be signed out by a parent/legal guardian or submit a signed note from the parent/legal guardian before the first bell notifying the office of their departure. Students that arrive at school after the first bell must sign in at the office. Students that leave school without a parent or legal guardian in person, must have a signed note from a parent or they will be considered truant and appropriate disciplinary action will be administered.
With this change, no parent will be able to call the school to dismiss their child, unless they have provided a signed note to the office before the 8:00 A.M bell. Verbal consent is no longer approved.
The second policy change regards the extra-curricular activity grade requirements. The change is as follows:
Students cannot have failing grades. Grades will be checked on a weekly basis beginning on the third Tuesday of each quarter. If the student has a 59 percent or below in any class, he/she will be determined ineligible. That student will be deemed ineligible and not be able to participate in any extra or co-curricular events, excluding practices, until all “F’s” are moved to passing grades per the next grade check. Grade checks will only take place on Tuesday. Students must have work turned in by previous Friday at the end of the school day before the next grade check.
The noted change to our activity grade requirements is the removal of the two-week grace period if a student is failing a class. When the grade check is administered, if a student has a 59% or below, they are immediately ineligible until the next grade check is completed on the following Tuesday.
If there are any further questions, please contact Heather Mayberry at the front office at 417-637-5323 or Mr. Hyde at 417-637-5323 ext. 314 or by email at phyde@greenfieldr4.org.