Mrs. Renee Burton, Greenfield 7th and 8th grade language arts teacher, entered students’ writings in the LAD (Language Arts Department of Southwest Missouri) Fair for 2022-2023.
Greenfield winners in the 7th/8th grade division are as follows:
Briar Wallen 8th grader: 1st Place in Writing Rocks and 3rd Place in Poster Poem
Skyler Robinson 8th grade: 1st Place in Graphic Design to Promote Writing
8th Grade Group 1st Place: Hannah Hughes, Anna Esposito, Skyler Robinson, Maddie Back, Emery Edwards, Cailin Smith, Chloe Jones, Noah Logan, Braelyn Stephens, Chloe Purkey in Original Poetry Anthology by a Class
Chloe Mays 7th grader: 2nd Place in Ballad
Addington Roberts 7th grader: 2nd Place in Writing Rocks
Braelyn Stephens 8th grader: 2nd Place in Graphic Design to Promote Writing and Honorable Mention in limerick and Honorable Mention in Original Writing with Original Artwork
7th Grade Group 2nd Place: Chloe Mays, Seth Bullinger, Addington Roberts, Alex Tankesley, Timmy Jordan, Aubrey Dicus in Original Poetry Anthology by a Class
Alex Tankesley 7th grader: 3rd Place in Diamante and 3rd Place in Graphic Design to Promote Writing
Owen Daniel 8th grader: 3rd Place in Community Response
Chloe Jones 8th grader: 3rd Place in Writing Rock and Honorable Mention in Poster Poem
Aubrey Dicus 7th grader: Honorable Mention in Book Report
- Maddie Back 8th grader: Honorable Mention in Cinquain and Honorable Mention in Tanka
Front Row L to R: Maddie Back, Chloe Jones, Addington Roberts, Briar Wallen, Chloe Mays, Alex Tankesley, Owen Daniel, Aubrey Dicus
Back Row L to R: Noah Logan, Emery Edwards, Cailin Smith, Hannah Hughes, Anna Esposito, Seth Bullinger, Timmy Jordan
Not Pictured: Skyler Robinson, Braelyn Stephens, Chloe Purkey