The first half of the year has gone by so fast! The students have learned about Respect, Responsibility, Gratitude, Kindness and Honesty. The counselor did a small group with fourth graders around friendships- being a good friend and how to make friends. In the coming months, topics including cooperation, study skills, careers, positive attitude and citizenship will be covered. We will also be talking about good test-taking strategies in the Spring. The counselor is usually at the school on Tuesday/Thursday. Please feel free to reach out with any student concerns. I am here to support parents and teachers too! My number is 417-637-5921 Ext. 1213. Ways parent Can Improve Your Child’s School Attendance (Taken from The Parent Institute)
*Talk with your child about the importance of attending school regularly.
*Avoid scheduling family trips or doctor appointments during school hours, if possible.
*Make sure your child stays healthy by eating nutritious food and getting enough sleep/exercise.
*Don’t accept excuses for why your child “must” miss or be late for school.
*Discuss with your child what happened at school each day.
*Support school rules and consequences for skipping class and being tardy.
*Show your child why education is important. Give specific examples of how education helps
people succeed.
*Lead by example. If children see parents taking off work for no real reason, they may expect to be able to do the same thing.
Research shows that attendance is the single most important factor in school success.