Welcome to Mrs. Rook’s Little Cats preschool room. We are the youngest and best class in the whole school. We love to learn and spend time with our friends.
We have been working hard in preschool!! We have learned so much! We have learned about letters, like the first letter in our names, and five other letters. We are learning about numbers and counting. We are also learning how to be good listeners.
This week we have learned about things that sink or float, and making predictions. Today, we predicted what things we found in our classroom would sink or float. After making predictions, we conducted an experiment by placing these items into a water filled container to determine if we predicted correctly. We found that many things we predicted would sink, actually floated. We recorded or wrote our observations out. A giant pumpkin, that we were sure would sink, floated!!! Wow! What a surprise for us!

Mrs. Rook's Little Cats
October 26, 2022