Enter a Greenfield junior high or high school classroom at any time during the school day and chances are high that you’ll see students tutoring their peers. It’s one of the requirements for Missouri high school students who are working to earn the A+ Program tuition financial incentive. The A+ Program, established in 1993, provides students the opportunity to earn a tuition scholarship by meeting standards set by the state and by the participating schools. These program standards encompass academics, attendance, citizenship, and service to other students in the form of mentoring and tutoring. It is a win-win situation for both the A+ students and the students who receive tutoring. Our tutors have the opportunity to give back to their school and fellow students, and the one-on-one interaction enhances the learning experience for students who require extra help. The 2023 senior class will be the eleventh GHS class that will have graduated with the A+ distinction.

A+ Tutors Earn Scholarship While Serving Others
January 19, 2023