My second graders have been working hard so far this year!
When we got back from break we had our second quarter assembly where all of my kids were awarded by meeting their AR goals for that quarter. That is a big improvement from our first quarter. Many of them are half way to their goal for this quarter! We work each week to pass at least two AR tests. We are currently working on a class reward if we can pass 50 AR tests. We are halfway there!
We are currently working on many skills. In phonics we are working on many different types of syllables, and how to mark them. In math we are working on measurements. My students have been enjoying learning about the different ways to measure things and the different units of measurement. In writing we just wrapped up our personal narrative stories. They loved getting to write a story all about themselves! Everyday we have reading centers. They work on many different things during that time. One group will be with me at the table, the other group will be reading and then the other group will be doing an activity that goes along with what we have been working on in phonics.
One fun thing we have done this month that my students enjoyed was doing our reading centers outside. We took advantage of the warm weather and took all the things we needed outside and completed our work out there!
We are looking forward to the rest of this semester!
Mrs. Mitchell