
The Jr. high English students are enjoying their new activities for the second semester. The eighth graders are learning to write narrative, informative and persuasive essays. They are especially looking forward to playing the Persuasive Game to hone their debate skills. The seventh graders are enjoying reading novels together in class and creating plot diagrams and poems on them. We are reading Old Yeller and The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle. In addition, both grades are preparing entries for the 2023 LAD Fair competition to be held in Willard, MO.

Also, we’re celebrating being recognized in all three 2022 Growth Reports released by the PRiME (Policy Research in Missouri Education) Research Center of St. Louis University. The results, which cover MAP (Missouri Assessment Program) test results from 2017-2021, are as follows: 

  • #4 in Overall Growth report in ELA for middle school grades

  • #1 in Subgroup (Free/Reduced Lunch) of Overall Growth report in ELA for middle school grades

  • One of only ten schools who increased percentage of students scoring proficient or advanced for 2 years among all ELA and math MAP tests while being on the Overall Growth lists

  • #2 in Beating the Odds report by increasing student learning in ELA in Free/Reduced Lunch schools for middle school grades

  • #1 out of 248 schools for ELA student growth out of all middle schools who began 2020 with in-person learning

Before long, we’ll be reviewing our ELA skills for this year’s MAP test. Part of our review process is to play a class MAP prep trivia game. It should be fun and educational at the same time!