5th & 6th grade band rocked tonight!
Don't forget to enroll for Summer School 2023!!!
Scholar Bowl senior spotlight: Daniel Paige!!
Greenfield R-IV was represented well at FBLA contests! Joseph Land, Andrew Fowler and Isaiah Benson placed 4th in state and will advance to nationals in Atlanta for Computer Game and Simulation Programming! Joel Hughes also placed 7th in Sports and Entertainment!
From Project Graduation:
Last chance to help our a Seniors for Project Graduation! Please help the Class of 23 have a great graduation party. It's going to be perfect weather for a picnic. Bring your lawn chairs and stay a while!
Please share and tell all of your friends!
Come on out and support our next blood drive! See image for details.
A junior high dance will take place on Friday, May 5 from 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM in the high school cafeteria. Dress will be semi formal. Refreshments will be a nacho bar. JH parents, please contact the office to sign up to bring something for the nacho bar. 637-5321 x1310
Correction - the JH track meet in Ash Grove is on Friday, 4-21-23. Here are the corrected details!
Parents' Night Out is fast approaching! Please return permission forms by Wednesday, April 19.
The 5th/6th grade science fair is approaching. We'd love to see you out supporting our students and their hard work!!
The Greenfield R-IV School District is seeking a K-12 vocal music teacher for the 2023-2024 school year. See image for more details.
See image for softball schedule changes, and softball/baseball senior nights.
Our preschool classes had a nice walk to the greenhouse at the high school to pick up the flowers they planted earlier this semester!
Please see image for details about summer school coming up at Greenfield Elementary! Students will bring home notes about enrollment today.
Don't forget!
Waffles with Wildcats is Friday, April 14 from 7 - 8:30 am in the Brown gymnasium.
This event is for PreK-6th grade students and up to 2 parents/guardians.
Please park in the new gym parking lot to help keep the car and bus lanes clear.
6th grade just wrapped up their final novel study of the year. The Westing Game is an eccentric murder mystery. As the book was read, they adopted the role of detectives & created a detective's web to stay organized, house clues, important facts, inferences, & character traits.
Reminder: Pre-K and Kindergarten screening is approaching. Call the office to make an appointment. 417-367-5321
Check out what is happening at Greenfield Schools in April and May!
Prom 2023 details!!
Happy Paraprofessional Appreciation Day!!! We have amazing paras here. We appreciate you!!