Due to an extension of waivers allowed by the USDA regarding the SFSP/SSO programs, the Greenfield R-IV School District will be providing free breakfasts and lunches for all students enrolled in seated and virtual instruction (no matter your usual level of pay - full, reduced or free) during the first semester of the 2020-2021 school year. Both virtual and seated students will be able to receive meals, Tuesday through Friday, at no cost to the student.
Meal pick up for virtual students begins Tuesday, September 15, 2020 and will take place between 11:00 am. and 12:00 pm. at the JH/HS Main Office. All students picking up meals will need to pick their meal up at the JH/HS office . No meals will be picked up at the Elementary School.
Students picking up meals will receive a lunch for that day and breakfast for the following day. Breakfast meals will contain the main item, milk or juice and fruit. Lunch meals will consist of a main item, fruit and veggie and milk.
Parents/guardians of virtual students must call the JH/HS office, 417-637-5321, by 9:30 a.m. September 15th, to notify the district of your intent to pick up meals. If you have more than one student and are requesting multiple meals, please inform the office of the number of meals needed.
These breakfasts and lunches are free through the end of the first semester or until federal funding is depleted (whichever comes first).
If you have additional questions, please call the Central Office at 417-637-5321.