Dear Parents/Guardians,
Greenfield R-IV personnel received information today, Wednesday, September 30th, that a student tested positive, in our JH/HS building, for COVID-19. Discussion with the Dade County Health Department is ongoing to implement contact tracing and for any additional guidance needed regarding the situation. The Dade County Health Department will contact the parents/guardians of any student that requires quarantine.
Currently, there are two active positive tests involving students and two active cases involving staff members within the school district . The students are both from the high school. One staff member works in the elementary school and the other works in the high school.
Our goal is to keep our staff and students healthy while providing a safe and effective learning environment to the best of our ability. Please keep your student home and contact your health care provider if they are feeling sick or showing signs/symptoms of COVID-19. If your student has a fever, do not send them to school, even if the fever is controlled by medicine.
The school district continues to remain in the yellow stage of the district's COVID-19 Plan.
Chris Kell